DarcyBurk.com Is Now Burk Digital Factory

I wanted to share something with you all that I have been keeping close to the chest for too long and am too excited to sit on any longer. I know we are currently all facing our own difficult and unique situations. I chose to compound my situation by leaving my job of 5 great years at autotrader.ca. I actually resigned from my position on February 21st and my last day was on March 6th, four days before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. My timing sure is impeccable.
My decision to leave was driven by my goal to own and manage my own business full time. I have been operating my own digital marketing agency since I was in high school. But it was always on the side. Some extra beer money. After over 15 years of working with customers across Canada and within hundreds of industries, that extra beer money grew into a business that I finally incorporated in 2019.
Working both at TRADER and 5-7 days a week from 8pm to 1am on my “side” business was no longer sustainable. That is why I decided to leave my safe and secure full time job, and focus solely on what myself, and now my wife Katherine, have been building. With that, I am excited to announce the launch of my brand and digital agency, Burk Digital Factory. We want to become a trusted partner for business’ across Ontario, the GTA and Durham Region to execute on unique digital marketing strategies that work. I realize that now is not the best time for self promotion but to quote my favorite Disney World commercial “I’m too excited to sleep”.
For those of you that got this far, thank you for taking the time to listen to my chronicle. If you know of a local business that is struggling due to the situation surrounding COVID-19, I want to help them. I want to provide no charge consultations and recommendations to help amplify those that are trying to get their message heard online or those looking to make the transition from offline to online. Now is not the time for self promotion but it is the time to let those in need know that there is help available.
The last 5 years have shaped me into who I am today, as have the 5 before that. I can’t wait for what the next 5 has to hold for Katherine and I as entrepreneurs.