What 3+ Years of SEO, Facebook and Google Ads Can Do For Your Business
By focusing on local SEO, content creation and crafting “thumb stopping” ads on both Facebook and Google, this customer has been able to see massive success. When business’ continue to invest in digital, the returns compound and get better year, over year, over year.
YoY Organic Traffic
Google & Facebook Ads Leads
YoY Cost Per Facebook Lead

Be Hands Down The Best
Creating content and pages that are just like or only marginally better than what is already out there is not going to get you far. Google continues to tell us that the easiest way to rank is not from some technical black magic SEO. Rather it is from creating content and pages that are hands down, without a doubt, better than anything else that exists online. We set out to do that for this customer, by creating pages for their boxing and other classes that offered information to the customer that none of their competition was providing and making those pages look great.
Through our research we learned that the two things the customers wanted to know before singing up to a class, were what is the gym atmosphere like and who are the trainers. By partnering with OutfitEleven we were able to come up with a design for the page that had a strong SEO and content foundation, while at the same time answering those two core questions for the customer.
Facebook Leads Ads Drive Massive Volume
When running a Facebook or Google ads campaign, you want to make it as easy for the potential customer to be able to convert into a lead as possible. Removing as many friction points along the path to convert is what makes our Facebook campaign so successful. What did we remove? The landing page and the need to have to actually fill out a form. After a customer engages with your ad in their Facebook news feed, instead of being taken to your website, they are presented with a form, on Facebook, pre-filled with your information. All the customer needs to do is submit. Friction-less.

Testing With Responsive Search Ads and Experiments
Even though we have run the same campaign, targeting similar keywords for 3+ years, we continue to optimize it, improve the message and drive down the cost per lead. Utilizing responsive search ads has been a great way to test hundreds of variations of different headlines and descriptions in our text ads. Drafts & experiments have allowed us to test different bidding algorithms and new technologies that Google continues to release. You cannot get complacent with your advertising. You must always be testing and always be looking for new things that can take your campaigns to the next level.