Darcy Burk
Founder & CEO
Darcy Burk launched Burk Digital Factory after 15+ years in the digital marketing space. His extensive knowledge of search engine optimization enables him to help local and online businesses achieve their goals.
10+ Years Experience
10+ Years Experience
15+ Years Experience
4+ Years Experience

Started building websites at age 13
At a young age, Darcy was always passionate for the internet and how it worked. He enjoyed building (and breaking) websites. He started working part time with a company called SCOM and was building websites for churches and day cares in the evenings after school and on the weekends.
Landed first “real” SEO position at Search Engine People
His time at SEP gave him a lot of experience working with all sorts of local businesses and industries. It was there he developed a passion for local SEO. He learned to love the process of auditing a website, finding new opportunities and watching as his recommendations helped the businesses he worked with grow and meet their goals.

Expanded his career at autotrader.ca
For 5 years, Darcy grew his expertise not only in SEO and digital marketing but as well in technical sales and communication. Working with Canada’s largest automotive dealer groups, he was challenged with the task to communicate complex SEO strategies to both ‘C suite’ executives and developers.
Become a Business Owner & Entrepreneur
In 2020, together with his wife Katherine Burk, Darcy launched Burk Digital Factory. A digital marketing agency whose goal is to be a trusted partner for businesses across Ontario, the GTA and Durham Region to execute unique digital marketing strategies that work.